Peter Obi’s Christmas Message – 9jaflaver

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Peter Obi’s Christmas Message

In this season of Christmas, I join the entire Christendom to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. May we take a moment to remind ourselves of the true spirit of Christmas, which is a season of love, peace, and kindness – such values that are more important to us now than ever, especially as our nation battles many unprecedented challenges?

Amid the many challenges plaguing our nation, the season of Christmas reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a new dawn. At such times as this, we must, therefore, in the spirit of love, prioritize the well-being of one another, help the poor, feed the hungry, and show love to everyone.

On this unique occasion, may we renew our spirit of unity, look beyond the walls of tribe and religion that have always separated us as a people, and lift our nation to God in prayers, even as we all continue to work together for a better nation.

Merry Christmas to you!
A New Nigeria remains POssible. -PO

Peter Obi

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