Renowned politician Peter Obi recently paid a visit to Peter Okoye, one half of the P-Square duo, amid the ongoing conflict with his siblings. For context, Peter Okoye, also known as Mr. P, had previously written an open letter to his twin brother, Paul Okoye, addressing accusations of orchestrating his arrest with the EFCC and claiming authorship of most of their songs.
Peter Obi’s visit comes after his previous attempt to mediate between Paul and Jude Okoye in their dispute. Now, fresh photos and videos have emerged online showing Peter Obi’s visit to Mr. P, further highlighting his ongoing involvement in the situation.
See some reactions from netizens
“He was supposed to visit Peter first considering his ego..”
Isaac Olatunde stated:
“Mr. Obi is just doing it routinely political visit. Nothing rises to the level of reconciliation.”
Dy Baby wrote:
“For peace to reign he had to do this”
Peter Obi & Peter Okoye of Psquare ??????
— OLAMIDE ???????? (@Olamide0fficial) August 15, 2024