“Dlala Ntwana” is a dynamic Amapiano track that brings together the talents of 031choppa, Djy Biza, OHP Sage, and Ice Beats Slide. This infectious collaboration showcases the artists’ ability to create a track that is both catchy and musically rich.
The production on “Dlala Ntwana” is a standout feature. Djy Biza and 031choppa deliver a masterful blend of captivating melodies and energetic rhythms. The deep basslines and intricate percussion create a compelling soundscape that is both familiar and innovative. By skillfully combining traditional Amapiano elements with contemporary electronic influences, they have crafted a track that is sure to dominate the dance floor.
You can listen to “Dlala Ntwana” by 031choppa & Djy Biza ft. OHP Sage & Ice Beats Slide here.